Just a quick how to so I won't forget again and have to re-discover the steps in another 9 years. If anyone knows of commands for loading files with switches that are quicker/better/smarter than jcp -f filename.??? for the old-school method, please post them
Using Windows:
Grab the tools (download from the 1st & 3rd links) from Harmlesslion: http://www.harmlesslion.com/cgi-bin/onesoft.cgi?4
Unzip SkunkBoard.zip to C. (C:\SkunkBoard)
Run and install "vcredist_x86.exe" from its download location.
The three options for uploading files (that I know of):
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and copy it to C:\SkunkBoard (if you want to load files the old-school way)
(With the Jaguar running, double click cmd.exe and type jcp -f filename.??? & press [Enter])
2. Grab the Skunk GUI setup from Belboz's site (3rd from bottom): http://www.hillsoftware.com/files/atari/jaguar/ (better method of loading files) Video here: http://vimeo.com/7416421
OR download the installer from Harmlesslion in about the middle of the page:
SkunkGUI for Skunkboard (Installer)[/b]
a. (Especially for Windows 7,) install the Jaguar Development Environment and remember its location; defaults to C:\Jaguar
Inside this folder will be another folder named SkunkUSBDRIVER
b. Install the SkunkGUI
When finding a driver for Windows fails, open Device Manage and manually update it to the Driver folder located in the original Skunkboard directory.
3.Download and unzip "JiFFI_1.42" (C:\SkunkBoard\JiFFI_1.42) http://reboot.atari.org/new-reboot/jiffi.html (another method-includes game trainer ability http://atariage.com/forums/topic/205173 ... ?p=2637002)
*still checking on some features of JiFFI-will update soon*
Connect the included 'USB to Skunkboard' cable to an open USB port on the computer.
Plug the Skunkboard into the Jaguar and connect the other end of the cable to the port on top.
Power up the Jag to a green screen.
Run one of the methods above (preferably SkunkGUI) to load a file from the computer to the SkunkBoard
In SkunkGUI, 1st select the file to upload.
If it's more than 2mb tick Is Flash? If not, leave it unchecked and save a flash cycle
Tick whichever Bank
Hit Reset Skunk
Hit Go
To play:
When you power up the Jaguar with the Skunkboard plugged in a green screen will appear.
Press up to load Bank 1 or
Press down to load Bank 2
Skunkboard info
Moderator: a31chris