Latest Windows 32bit JagRISC vasm/vlink builds(gasm/devpak)

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Latest Windows 32bit JagRISC vasm/vlink builds(gasm/devpak)

Post by a31chris » Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:12 pm

Here is the Windows 32bit build of VASM for the Jrisc with the std/gasm syntax:
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Here is the Windows 32bit build of Jrisc VASM with the motorola/devpak syntax:
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Latest version of Vlink:
(119.64 KiB) Downloaded 551 times
All version of course the latest at the time of this post.

Here is one of the author's thoughts on compatibility with existing JagRISC gpu sources
Command line options are definitely different. But that's probably the
smallest problem for somebody who is interested.

The assembler syntax is more important, as I understand nobody wants to
rewrite his old sources. Here vasm is either compatible to Devpac (using
the "mot" syntax module) or optionally to the GNU-as (using the "std"
syntax module).

AFAICS Madmac is not compatible to Devpac. The functionality is similar,
but the Madmac directives start with a dot.

I am prepared [for feature suggestions and bug reports from the community]. The Atari ST scene already uses vasm a lot, because of the Devpac compatibilty.


Frank Wille
Here is the link for those who wish to compile their own.
What came after the Jaguar was the PS1 which for all it's greatness, ushered in corporate development and with it the bleached, repetitive, bland titles which for the most part we're still playing today. - David Wightman

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