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WiiU Controller

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:32 pm
by 3DOKid
C'mon -- they've done a Jaguar right? ... ealed.html

Atari thought they needed a bazillion buttons. Reasoning: The achillies heel of consoles back in the 90s when comparing to a 101-PC keyboard, was buttons - or rather the lack of.

20 years later Nintendo WiiU: same thinking, everything has a touch screen right? We need one! Same Atari Jaguar thinking, same Atari Jaguar result.

That looks a bit finger achingly painful to me.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:26 pm
by knightintosh
What the console can do, games-wise and otherwise is simply staggering, but I'll have to get my hands on it to see if it's comfortable to use. My eyes can't do glasses-less 3D on the 3DS so even though it's got loads of other things going for it, its main selling point doesn't work for me, so I'll see if the Wii U can do better ;) I hope so, as it has loads of potential to be so much better than any other console out there!!

However, reports from E3 are good, it might look uncomfortable in pictures but apparently it's not! Apparently it's very natural, and I notice it also has a long slender rest on its back, so would be good for lounging with too for lazy sessions lol.

Here's a good write up (yes, a well-informed console write up in The Guardian! Who'da thunk it!): ... es-console

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:36 pm
by 3DOKid
The feint whiff of bad blood in the air is most likely related to my last anti-nintendo product rant. So, erm, yeah, it'll probably be great. [/cough]

Although I just saw the PSP2 promo, and that filled me with underwhelm too.

So, it's down to MS & Sony (Xbox720 and PS4) to wow me, or i'm spending £1000 on old Neogeo stuff and sod them both.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:03 pm
by Trev
The Neo Geo route sounds good to me.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:48 pm
by 3DOKid
Trev wrote:The Neo Geo route sounds good to me.
Me too. When the PS3 came out I got a Plasma Telly, new TV stand, PS3 and some game -- Ridge Racer 7. Now the TV and the TV stand have served me well...

IMagine what you could do with £1000 of Neo Geo :) :)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:59 pm
by NikeX

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:28 pm
by knightintosh
I'm a Nintendo fan (raging my eyes won't work with the non-glasses 3D of the 3DS!) but I'm not a blind fan I have to say. Apparently the Wii U has more grunt under its bonnet than the PS3, and there's so much potential there for amazingingly involving, serious games on top of the fun Mario Karts etc, but I'm reserving my "Wow I must buy that" until I see more concrete evidence of the potential and the grunt.

Right now I hardly play my Wii and I'm addicted to my 3DO, and I'll be happy to stay that way if the Wii U doesn't follow up on the promise.

Maybe it was too early to announce it, with nothing to back it all up for those of us not at E3, unable to try the controller out.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:23 am
by Austin
I was skeptical until I watched the video press conference last night. It looks interesting, to say the least. Being able to play your game on the tablet itself is a neat idea, and using the tablet for extra viewing angles is clever, too.

I'm still a little wary though. They "say" it's comfortable, but I don't believe it. The way the L and R buttons are so high up, my hands are bound to get cramped (they did on just about every Nintendo handheld since the GBA SP). I am also skeptical on the quality of the screen itself. Also, if the console will be able to stream your games to it, will there be any delay? Lastly, I'm sure there's a little added juice in the system, but I know it's not going to be anything jawdropping. Nothing that's going to be much more impressive (if at all) than what we currently have on the 360 or PS3 (or dare I say it, the PC). If it is, it will be in a very, very minor way.

On a side note, I would like Nintendo to confirm whether it's Game Cube compatible or not. Rumors were floating around that it would play Wii AND GC games. If that turns out to be the case, the system will peak my interest--I would love to have a three-in-one system. Talk about consolidation..

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:44 am
by 3DO Experience
I will wait until I play it myself.

Oh and 3DwhO, did you notice the slider on the side of the 3DS? So many people say that it doesn't work for them and they never adjust the 3D slider. Just in case you were one of the look and walk away players. There might be hope!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:50 am
by 3DOKid
3DO Experience wrote:I will wait until I play it myself.

Oh and 3DwhO, did you notice the slider on the side of the 3DS? So many people say that it doesn't work for them and they never adjust the 3D slider. Just in case you were one of the look and walk away players. There might be hope!
Ahhhh. Everytime I see one in a store on a demo pod I have a play. I just thought my eyes had good and bad days :)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:16 am
by Vance
E3 is about a mile and a half away from me. I really have no excuse.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:51 am
by knightintosh
Austin wrote:I was skeptical until I watched the video press conference last night. It looks interesting, to say the least. Being able to play your game on the tablet itself is a neat idea, and using the tablet for extra viewing angles is clever, too.

I'm still a little wary though. They "say" it's comfortable, but I don't believe it. The way the L and R buttons are so high up, my hands are bound to get cramped (they did on just about every Nintendo handheld since the GBA SP). I am also skeptical on the quality of the screen itself. Also, if the console will be able to stream your games to it, will there be any delay? Lastly, I'm sure there's a little added juice in the system, but I know it's not going to be anything jawdropping. Nothing that's going to be much more impressive (if at all) than what we currently have on the 360 or PS3 (or dare I say it, the PC). If it is, it will be in a very, very minor way.

On a side note, I would like Nintendo to confirm whether it's Game Cube compatible or not. Rumors were floating around that it would play Wii AND GC games. If that turns out to be the case, the system will peak my interest--I would love to have a three-in-one system. Talk about consolidation..
No, it's not GCN compatible, apparently due to it being so different technologically they can't put in the extra few bits to make all the games 100% compatible. At least they're being honest, unlike Sony lol.

At the moment I'm going to take the word of the people there, they've got nothing to gain by lying about the system but yes it still needs to prove it's comfortable for a lengthy period of time. I rarely buy Edge anymore but I did when they did their 3DS blowout and I will for this too to see what they say.

The controller screen isn't apparently HD but still very good quality and games can easily be streamed with no lag. How they stream HD games I don't know but according to reports it can be done seemlessly which is impressive. As for the juice ;) well again I can only go on reports, but let's face it Sony are wanting the PS3 to last a full 10 years and Microsoft have scrapped plans for a 360 replacement in 2012 so I'd say the technology, graphics-wise, is at the best it can be at the moment, so for Nintendo to give any more at all sounds amazing.

The Aliens game has me sold lol. The controller screen is the motion sensor used in the movie! You scan the room by moving it around you in the same way too. Win! lol.

I know I sound like a fanboy, maybe I am, but I still say that if I get a hold of the controller and don't like it I still won't buy the system and instead I'll hunt down a Sanyo TRY with my cash :D It all rests with how it feels then.
3DO Experience wrote:I will wait until I play it myself.

Oh and 3DwhO, did you notice the slider on the side of the 3DS? So many people say that it doesn't work for them and they never adjust the 3D slider. Just in case you were one of the look and walk away players. There might be hope!
Yeah I know, but even on the lowest 3D setting it's just not working anymore for me. Went to see a 3D film yesterday and it worked absolutely fine with the glasses. I assume that's because the glasses do the work for my eyes, whereas with the 3DS they have to do it all themselves. Does that make sense...?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:45 pm
by Vance
I think Microsoft has proven they're not making consoles you should buy at launch (the chapass multi-die system leading to RROD, calling the slim a redesign and thus ineligible for protection, etc) and I need to see if they ban development again. Forcing consumers to upgrade like that should have put them out of the console business, but they do subsist on morons.

Nintendo looks to be finally clear of the crap they dug themselves into... in 1997. We'll see.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:15 pm
by knightintosh
Vance wrote:Nintendo looks to be finally clear of the crap they dug themselves into... in 1997. We'll see.
I hear that! The prices for games and high royalties back then were atrocious! They'd basically got too cocky, something I see Apple doing now, and they paid the price. But yeah they (Nintendo) seemed to have learnt from mistakes and are actually quite honest about such things. Iwate-san is the best thing that could've happened for them.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:31 pm
by NikeX
Played Nintendogs 3D yesterday. And I love it.
Maybe that's because I've build an 8m² rabbit cage for our two
sister bunnies.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:14 pm
by sneth
If 3rd party does this right. it could be cool. If it's just a bunch of carnival games ala Wii 3rd party...then meh...

Imagine having a touchscreen that can control your entire Home Entertainment system. That would be cool.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:41 pm
by 3DO Experience
I was reading and listening to podcasts of people at E3. It's so funny to hear them talk about how horrible it looks like it will be, and then they try it and do a 180. Surprisingly everyone says it seems to be personally made for their hands and that it's really light. However they also all agree that the name is stupid.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:52 pm
by knightintosh
The name doesn't bother me, haven't read any reports on that from newspapers and magazines and the like, but I know I didn't like "Wii" to begin with, but it grew on me rather quickly.

Still, the controller itself does reek of them almost doing a u-turn themselves on their motion controls. I really enjoyed playing (as one example) Metroid Prime with the Wii Remote as the gun and pointing to fire, but that's going to be replaced with the "normal" dual analogue. It's kinda annoyed me to be honest. It could end up being the best thing ever, but I'm not jumping straight onboard like I did with Wii, GBA SP and Micro, DS and its many iterations. I'll wait and see...

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:43 pm
by 3DO Experience
Oh don'tt worry the new system uses Wii Remotes as well.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:58 am
by knightintosh
3DO Experience wrote:Oh don'tt worry the new system uses Wii Remotes as well.
Oh I know, mainly for multiplayer though or if a game designer wishes to use them instead of the new controller, but it's still the main selling point. It's like the 3DS, not all developers have to have 3D as it can do so many other things, but let's face it's the main point lol.